Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Pleasure of Being Tortured!!

Can "torture" be beautiful in some cases ... well maybe :) , why not? I know that sounds weird and unacceptable, but after a deeper look at the topic in hand, we can think of one simple example for the beautiful torture .. " LOVE ", love is a very complicated feeling .. every person has her/ his own theory of it. In many love stories .. the partners or maybe one partner get tortured in the love story, yet she/ he will yet enjoy the feeling of love .. WEIRD ?? maybe I don't know ,, it just goes this way .. many other examples can follow .. like : Drinking, Smoking , Drug addiction ... etc . How can we explain how a human being knows that she/ he is torturing her / him self .. yet they ignore the feeling of torture because of the pleasure or u name it ,, that they get along with the torture !!!


iDip said...

يقول نزار قباني عن الحب

هو أن نثور لأي شيء تافه
هو يأسنا هو شكنا القتال
هو هذه الكف التي تغتالنا
و نقبل الكف التي تغتال

غنى هذه الكلمات كاظم الساهر، كما غنى: يضرب الحب شو بـ يذل

Anonymous said...

i hear this kind of talk all the time...yet its too complicated for me to understand...
i can never get how someone would love torturing him/herself 7ata law out of love.
قال الله سبحانه و تعالى في كتابه العزيز " و لا تلقوا بأنفسكم الى التهلكة ".