Sunday, December 2, 2007

Winter & Warmth of feelings

I'm not a BIG fan of winter! Yet I love the enjoyment of warmness once u start chilling, anything that makes u feel warm, cuupa tea, mug of HOT coffee, or HOT chocolate, .... Yet.. I think what I really feel like, and I guess every single, or to be more accurate, most of single women might feel like having in such a cold weather, is the WARMTH OF FEELINGS. Well, surrounded by ur family members is a blessing " el7imdlellah" , yet there is something that u still long for, it's that magical romantic moment u feel like sharing with ur husband in a nice cold weather, like having a romantic dinner at a breath holding restaurant, or maybe just wandering in the car... if u have the privilege, don't waste ur time, and if u still stand in the queue of singles hehehehe ( am sorry if that might sound offensive to some of u ) ... then wish u'll get married soon insahllah, especially in that season ;)